
We’re Hiring Senior Transformation Consultants least that’s what we call ourselves. You might call this role a Senior Managing Consultant, Engagement Lead, or Principal.

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Location: Hybrid role based in Brooklyn, NY (preferred) or Remote (from anywhere in the US)

Are you passionate about reducing bureaucracy, empowering teams, and driving innovation? Join our team!

August was founded to help organizations realize their most ambitious goals by building more open, agile and inclusive teams. Our superpower is helping organizations succeed in a world where change and complexity are the new normal.

What we do

  • Agile Ways of Working - We help our clients apply the principles of agility, quickly test and iterate, reflect and adjust as they go, and make learning a regular habit.
  • Empowered Decision Making - We help our clients make faster and more inclusive decisions using everyday practices before, during, and after decisions.
  • Operationalize Equity & Inclusion - We help our clients cultivate behaviors and build systems that make it possible for everyone to speak up and succeed.
  • Psychological Safety and Trust - We work with leaders and teams to cultivate the ingredients for a learning culture: trust, psychological safety, motivation, and accountability.
  • Innovative Leadership Development - We’ll help leaders create an environment where creativity flourishes, teams are empowered, and divergent perspectives are embraced.
  • Achieving all of the above through Capabilities as listed HERE

We’re a growing team with members in New York, Oakland, Atlanta, Denver, and beyond. We work with Fortune 500 corporations, global and national non-profit organizations, and government agencies. Our clients are located across North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.

If our mission aligns with your own personal purpose and experience, we’re excited to hear from you.


Our team is self-organizing. As a member, it's very likely that you will hold multiple roles at any one moment, and that those roles will evolve over time. We expect members to actively participate in shaping our roles, structures, and processes as the world around us changes.

We are actively recruiting Senior Consultants to lead transformation programs for our clients, particularly those in NYC.

In this role, your work will include:
  • Developing and spreading new principles and practices inside client orgs
  • Providing strategic advisement or direction on organization design and development
  • Coaching teams, leaders and executives
  • Facilitating meetings and workshops
  • Developing training curriculum and learning programs
  • Growing and deepening meaningful relationships with clients and stakeholders
  • Identifying and developing new business opportunities
  • Winning compelling, qualified work (establishing fit and readiness)
  • Accurately scoping projects, including deliverables, resources and fees
  • Communicating complex ideas and information through visual design
  • Traveling for internal team moments and to client sites. To be specific, at the moment, this looks like: - Travel to two August Offsites a year, up to 4 days of travel each; - Ad hoc travel as requested by your client, to be negotiated between you and the client
In addition, you will also likely hold other roles focused on growing August’s business that may include:
  • Developing original theory and sharing it through writing, speaking, and networking
  • Recruiting and interviewing potential new candidates
  • Mentoring and onboarding new employees
  • Participating in weekly finance, new business and recruiting meetings
  • Growing the capacity of the August team around equity, diversity, and inclusion
  • Building August’s network with senior-level professionals and outstanding talent
  • Bonus points if you can speak to experience developing others, teams and creating and implementing new admin systems and processes.


We’re looking for candidates that have:
  • Designed and led a range of consulting engagements, with some focused on new ways of working, decision making,  Psychological Safety, or DEI related work, across multiple large, complex organizations 
  • Strong coaching & facilitation skills and can facilitate work sessions with executive-level teams; has coached a teams or individuals through major moments of change
  • Fluency in and commitment to principles and practices related to equity, diversity and inclusion
These are less important, but we’d also be excited about candidates who have:
  • Developed a network of mid-level to senior-level professionals in our industry and potential client organizations - from a business development and talent perspective
  • Developed, tested, and published original theory on organization design, organization development, change management, or the “future of work”
  • 8-10 years of similar professional experience
We also expect all August candidates to be adept at:
  • Written and verbal communication
  • Personal knowledge management
  • Adapting to change, learning, dealing with uncertainty
  • Failure management
  • Being a good team citizen
  • Engaging with each other with care
  • Meeting our baseline capabilities around: dependability; learning & feedback; listening; equity, diversity & inclusion; navigating a self-organizing system

Benefits of working at August


Work-life integration

Everyone is a member of the leadership team

Build the culture and business with us

Learn fast

Collect travel points

No strings attached

Radical transparency

Great benefits


The role and experience outlined above correspond to a Level 4 (out of 6) in August’s capacity system. The base salary, not including bonus, for all Level 4 Team Members in our organization is $172,706, with a $15,000 annual stipend for NYC based folks. All salaries at August are transparent to all team members. In order to maintain equity and avoid bias, we do not adjust salaries for individual team members through negotiation.

Interested? Join our team by applying today.



Apply online at

We frequently update and refine our hiring process based on candidate feedback. Our current version is outlined in detail here.

A definition of our capacity levels can be found here.

Although old (written in 2016), read our article on how August made team diversity part of the foundation of our company

Mentioned article

Pro-tip: It’s worth reading Mike’s post on ‘how to get a job doing what we do’:

Mentioned article


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