Our Expertise
Operationalizing Equity & Inclusion
The Challenge
Most established ways of working reinforce patriarchy and white supremacy. They uphold an inequitable status quo that keeps individuals and organizations from doing their best work.
How We Help
We’ll help you operationalize equity and inclusion through changes that are both technical (policies and practices) and relational (values and mindsets). By adopting new ways of working that redistribute power, redefine professionalism, and are radically inclusive, we can get better business results and create a more just world.
We’ve guided nonprofit, government, and corporate organizations of all sizes to make impactful changes around equity and inclusion, shifting from good intentions to concrete practices that create tangible change. This shift builds authenticity, empathy, and trust, leads to better decision making, and improves retention of top talent.
What It Looks Like
Organizational Assessment
Assess the current state of equity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging at your organization
Build Shared Understanding
Lead teams and leaders through the fundamentals of systems and behaviors that impact equity and inclusion
Design Custom Playbook
Customize and codify practices that embed equity and inclusion in your organizational DNA
Co-Create Systems Change
Advance key systems changes by empowering small, diverse, cross-functional teams
Curious about Operationalizing Equity & Inclusion?
Tirzah Enumah
Client Stories
August was instrumental in helping us set the foundation for a more inclusive team. Their tools and techniques to identify inequity in the workplace such as unconscious bias and microaggressions were simple, yet effective. The team has wholeheartedly adopted the August principles and we look forward to sharing these with our broader organization.
Culture Transformation
Team Design & Coaching
Leadership Development
Equity & Inclusion
Agile Team Design & Launches
Internal DEI Coaching
Senior Director, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
Culture Transformation
Team Design & Coaching
Leadership Development
Equity & Inclusion
Agile Team Design & Launches
Internal DEI Coaching
Senior Director, Bayer Pharmaceuticals
My work with August has impacted me personally, in particular, in thinking about the importance of purposeful teams that work autonomously and get smarter together over time.
Culture Transformation
Team Design & Coaching
Leadership Development
Equity & Inclusion
Agile Team Design & Launches
Internal DEI Coaching
Deputy Chancellor, Early Childhood Education and Student Enrollment, NYC Dept. of Education
Culture Transformation
Team Design & Coaching
Leadership Development
Equity & Inclusion
Agile Team Design & Launches
Internal DEI Coaching
Deputy Chancellor, Early Childhood Education and Student Enrollment, NYC Dept. of Education
Operationalizing Equity & Inclusion Solves These Challenges
Our actions don't live up to our values
• Voices go unheard and we miss out on diverse perspectives
• Despite good intentions, actions still have a negative impact
• Bias is deeply rooted in our systems and processes
• Everyone wants to do better, but we don't know how
• People who hold marginalized identities don't have a reason to believe that change is possible
Related Insights
Get Your Starter Stack
Get Your Starter Stack
What's included:
- How to check for bias
- Reinforce with positive micro-affirmations
- Make space for all voices